Publikace pracovníků katedry - Department of Analytical Chemistry


  • Řezníčková E., Bárta O., Milde D., Kryštof V., Štarha P.: Anticancer dinuclear Ir(III) complex activates Nrf2 and interferes with NAD(H) in cancer cells. J. Inorg. Biochem. 262, 112704 (2025).
  • Gregar F., Moník M., Hamrozi P., Součková J., Nerudová Z., Pluháček T.: Multimodal elemental analysis: A unique tool for the provenance of radiolarite artefacts. Spectrochim. Acta  B 224, 107111 (2025).
  • Vlk M., Wan J., Nytka M., Vu T.N.K., Lemr K., Tureček F.: Photochemical and Collision-Induced Cross-Linking of Asp, Glu, Asn, and Gln Residues in Peptide-Nitrile Imine Conjugate Ions in the Gas Phase. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 36, 175−186 (2025).
  • Wan J., Vlk M., Nytka M., Vu T.N.K., Lemr K., Tureček F.: Photochemical and Collision-Induced Cross-Linking of Lys, Arg, and His to Nitrile Imines in Peptide Conjugate Ions in the Gas Phase. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 36, 209−220 (2025).
  • Moník M., Nerudová Z., Gregar F., Pluháček T., Součková J., Hamrozi P.: Chemical fingerprinting of European radiolarites and raw materiál economies from the Moravian Aurignacian. Archaeol. Anthropol. Sci. 17, 22 (2025).
  • Moník M., Nerudová Z., Novák M., Přichystal A., Gregar F., Hamrozi P., Pluháček T.: Tracing the transfers of raw materials in the Gravettian of Moravia and Silesia. Quater. Inter. 719,  109665 (2025).
  • Svačinová V., Pluháček T., Petr M., Siskova K.: Maturing conditions of bimetallic nanocomposites as a new factor influencing Au–Ag synergism and impact of Cu(II) and/or Fe(III) on luminescence. R. Soc. Open Sci. 12, 241385 (2025).
  • Gavlová A.,  Jachimowicz P., Praus P., Bednář P.: Environment changes everything. How relevant are laboratory studies of sorption of pollutants on microplastics? A critical review. J.  Environ. Chem. Eng. 13, 115655 (2025).
  • Bábek O., Ackerman L., Šimíček D., Wrigth V.P., Marriott S., Pluháček T., Shahrokhi S., Weinerová H.: Pedogenic continental red beds: How, why and when red? Redox geochemistry and quantitative colour analysis of the Old Red Sandstone, South Wales, UK. Sedimentology 72, 442-474 (2025).


  • Jerga R., Brablecová V., Talášková V., Tomková H., Součková J., Barták P., Skopalová J.: A novel device for the determination of liposome/water partition coefficients. Talanta 269, 125434 (2024). DOI
  • Belbasi Z., Petr J., Ševčík J., Jirovský D., Hrbáč J.: Electrochemical HPLC Determination of Piperazine Antihistamine Drugs Employing a Spark-Generated Nickel Oxide Nanoparticle-Modified Carbon Fiber Microelectrode. ACS Omega 9, 5038-5045 (2024). DOI
  • Kalousek P., Holátko J., Schreiber P., Pluháček T., Širůčková Lónová K., Radziemska M., Tarkowski P., Vyhnánek T., Hammerschmiedt T. Brtnický M.: The effect of chelating agents on the Zn‑phytoextraction potential of hemp and soil microbial activity. Chem. Biol. Technol. Agric. 11, 23 (2024). DOI
  • Ostruszka R., Halili T., Pluháček T., Rárová L., Jirák D., Šišková K.: Advanced protein-embedded bimetallic nanocomposite optimized for in vivo fluorescence and magnetic resonance bimodal imaging. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 663, 467–477 (2024). DOI
  • Niaei N., Valis M., Petr J.: Capillary zone electrophoresis method for quantification of therapeutic peptide glatiramer acetate. Monatsh. für Chem. - Chemical Monthly 155, 441-446 (2024). DOI
  • Wan J., Nytka M., Qian H., Vu K., Lemr K., Tureček F.: Nitrile Imines as Peptide and Oligonucleotide Photo-Cross-Linkers in Gas-Phase Ions. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35, 344-356 (2024). DOI
  • Mácha H., Zápal J., Kuzma M., Luptáková D., Lemr K., Havlíček V.: Exploring the Effects of Cyclosporin A to Isocyclosporin A Rearrangement on Ion Mobility Separation. Anal. Chem. 96, 4163−4170 (2024). DOI
  • Gregar F., Grepl J., Milde D., Pluháčcek T.: Direct elemental analysis of plant oils by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: Simple sample dilution combined with oxygen introduction into the plasma. Food Chem. 447, 139010 (2024). DOI
  • Baron D., Pluháček T., Petr J.: Characterization of Nanoparticles in Mixtures by Taylor Dispersion Analysis Hyphenated to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 96, 5658−5663 (2024). DOI
  • Gregar F., Gallo J., Milde D., Hegrová J., Kučerová P., Grepl J., Pluháček T.: In vivo assessment of TiO2 based wear nanoparticles in periprosthetic tissues. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 416, 3785-3796 (2024). DOI
  • Niaei N., Hassanpour S., Petr J.: Chiral resolution of cationic piperazine derivatives by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated B-cyclodextrin. Electrophoresis 45, 1479-1486 (2024). DOI
  • Mácha H., Luptáková D., Juránek I., Andrén P.E., Havlíček V.: Hypoxic-Ischemic Insult Alters Polyamine and Neurotransmitter Abundance in the Specific Neonatal Rat Brain Subregions. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 15, 2811-2821 (2024). DOI
  • Svačinová V., Halili A., Ostruszka R., Pluháček T., Jiráková K., Jirák D., Šišková K.: Trimetallic nanocomposites developed for efficient in vivo bimodal imaging via fluorescence and magnetic resonance. J. Mater. Chem. B 12, 8153 (2024). DOI
  • Holá M., Salajková Z., Gregar F., Ondráček J., Pavliňák D., Šperka P., Hrdlička A., Kaiser J.,  Kanický V.: Laser spot overlap in scanning laser ablation ICP-MS analysis: Impact on analytical signal and properties of the generated aerosol. Spectrochim. Acta B 219, 106999 (2024). DOI
  • Shahrokhi S., Bábek O., Mansurbeg H., Ackerman L., Šimíček D., Gregar F., Kořenek M.: Investigating the impact of paleoclimatic conditions and diagenesis on the genesis of Permian Continental Red Beds: A case study from the Bohemian Massif, Czechia. Sediment. Geol. 470, 106723 (2024). DOI
  • Jerga R., Skopalová J., Barták P.: Adsorptive transfer cyclic square-wave voltammetry and HPLC with tandem electrochemical detection – Two novel methods for determination of chili peppers pungency. Talanta 280, 126711 (2024). DOI
  • Polymeris G.S., Geraga M., Papatheodorou G., Iliopoulos I., Pluháček T., Lemr K., Qin Z.,  Sergiou S., Dimas X., Liritzis I.: Climate-driven versus anthropogenic induced erosion of the last 3000 years from an ancient lake in the Southern Phokis Plain (Desfina), Greece. Holocene 34, 1775-1789 (2024). DOI
  • Víchová V., Křížek Oborná J., Petr M., Soukupová J., Pechancová R., Pluháček T., Filip J.: Sulfidation of air-stable iron nanoparticles: A novel strategy how to boost their reactivity demonstrated on Cr(VI) reduction. J. Water Proc. Engineering 67, 106246 (2024). DOI
  • Bábek O., Ackerman L., Šimíček D., Wrigth V.P., Marriott S., Pluháček T., Shahrokhi S., Weinerová H.: Pedogenic continental red beds: How, why and when red? Redox geochemistry and quantitative colour analysis of the Old Red Sandstone, South Wales, UK. Sedimentology 72, 442-474 (2024). DOI
  • Čižmář I., Čižmářová H., Hajnalová M., Hons D., Kučera L., Lisá L., Militký J., Ostrá I.,  Popelka M., Rolland J., Roblíčková M.: Němčice. Results of Field Research in 2021 and the Oldest Glass Workshop in Transalpine Europe. Památky archeologické CXV, 241-314 (2024).
  • Hansen L., Chytráček M., Kučera L., Hagemann K., Mischka D., Golec M., Dienstpier M., Golec Mírová Z., Zemek V., Krausse D.: Ältereisenzeitlicher Bernstein an der Heuneburg Neue Erkenntnisse zur Herkunft des Bernsteinrohmaterials und seiner Verarbeitung/Early Iron Age Amber at the Heuneburg. New Insights into the Origin of the Amber Raw Material and its Processing. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 54, 199-221 (2024). DOI
  • Kašpar P., Fojtík P., Šlézar P., Kučera L.: Nález denárů fenikového typu z okolí hradu Starý Plumlov (k. ú. Osina, okr. Vyškov). Numismatický sborník 36, 99-107 (2024).
  • Nytka M., Wan J., Tureček F., Lemr K.: Cyclic Ion Mobility of Isomeric New Psychoactive Substances Employing Characteristic Arrival Time Distribution Profiles and Adduct Separation. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35, 1733-1742 (2024). DOI
  • Zhu H., Nytka M., Vu T.N.K., Lemr K., Tureček F.: Photochemical and Collision-Induced Cross-Linking in Stereochemically Distinct Scaffolds of Peptides and Nitrile Imines in Gas-Phase Ions. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35, 3070-3088 (2024). DOI
  • Zatloukalová M., Hanyk J., Papoušková B., Kabelac M., Vostalová J., Vacek J.: Tapinarof and its structure-activity relationship for redox chemistry and phototoxicity on human skin keratinocytes. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 223, 212-223 (2024). DOI
  • Jirásek P., Jusku A., Franková J., Urbanková M., Diabelko D., Růžička F., Papoušková B., Chytilová K., Vrba J., Havlásek J., Langová K., Storch J., Voborna I., Šimánek V., Vacek J.: Phytocannabinoids and gingival inflammation: Preclinical findings and a placebo-controlled double-blind randomized clinical trial with cannabidiol. J. Periodont. Res. 59, 468-479 (2024). DOI
  • Nádvorníková J., Pitthard V., Kurka O., Kučera L., Barták P.: Egg vs. Oil in the Cookbook of Plasters: Differentiation of Lipid Binders in Wall Paintings Using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry and Principal Component Analysis. Molecules 26, 1520 (2024). DOI
  • Houšť J., Palyzová A., Pluháček T., Novák J., Marešová H., Hubáček P., Dobiáš R., Stevens D.A., Guegan H., Gangneux J-P., Havlíček V.: Exploring the Siderophore Portfolio for Mass Spectrometry-Based Diagnosis of Scedosporiosis and Lomentosporiosis. ACS Omega 9, 44815-44824 (2024). DOI
  • Battersby J.L., Stevens D.A., Coutts R.H.A., Havlíček V., Hsu J.L., Sass G., Kotta-Loizou I.: The Expanding Mycovirome of Aspergilli. J. Fungi 10, 585 (2024). DOI
  • Lemr K., Havlíček V.: Editorial: Frank Turecek Laudation. Mass Spectrom Rev. 43, 411-412 (2024).
  • Kičová B., Balarynová J., Trněný O., Krejčí P., Zajacová Cechová M., Leonova T., Gorbach D., Frolova N., Kysil E., Orlova A., Ihling Ch., Frolov A., Bednář P., Smýkal P.: Domestication has altered gene expression and secondary metabolites in pea seed coat. Plant J. 118, 2269-2295 (2024). DOI
  • Falchi P., Lucéro Gomez P., Zendri E.: On the contribution of tidal floods on damp walls of Venice. Int. J. Disaster Risk Reduc. 110, 104609 (2024). DOI
  • Bednárek J., Matějová L., Koutník I., Vráblová M., Cruz G.J.F., Strašák T., Šiler P.,  Hrbáč J.: Revelation of high‑adsorption‑performance activated carbon for removal of fluoroquinolone antibiotics from water. Biomass Convers. Biorefin. 14, 2585-2599 (2024). DOI
  • Kronsteiner-Gicevic S., Bogl L.H., Wakolbinger M., Müller S., Dietrich J., De Keyzer W., Bullón-Vela V., Selinger E., Keller V., Martínez Tabar A., Asif T., Craig L., Kyle J.,  Schlesinger S., Köder Ch., Ouradova A., Henikova M., Van Lippevelde W., Cahova M., Martínez González M.G., Willett W., Bes-Rastrollo M., Gojda J., De Henauw S., Keller M., Kuzma M., Schernhammer E.: Development of the VEGANScreener, a Tool for a Quick Diet Quality Assessment among Vegans in Europe. Nutrients 16, 1344 (2024). DOI
  • Pospíšilová J., Heger T., Kurka O., Kvasnicová M., Chládková A., Nemec I., Rárová L., Cankař P.: Atropisomeric 1-phenylbenzimidazoles affecting microtubule organization: influence of axial chirality. Org. Biomol. Chem. 22, 6966 (2024). DOI


  • Pluháček T., Pechancová R., Milde D., Bettencourt da Silva R.J.N.:. Bottom-up uncertainty evaluation of complex measurements from correlated performance data: Determination of total Cr in yeast by ICP-MS after acid digestion. Food Chem. 404, 134466 (2023). DOI
  • Brtková B., Hermannová M., Chmelař J., Nešporová K., Kocurková A., Kubala L., Ambrožová G., Velebný V., Šimek M.: Intraperitoneally administered native and lauroyl-modified hyaluronan films: Pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies. Carbohydr. Polym. 299, 120201 (2023). DOI
  • Hassanpour S., Niaei N., Petr J.: Metal–Organic Frameworks-Based Analytical Devices for Chiral Sensing and Separations: A Review (2012–2022). Chemosensors 11, 29 (2023). DOI
  • Pechancová R., Gallo J., Baron D., Milde D., Antal P., Slobodová Z., Lemr K., Pluháček T.: Detailed insight into chromium species released from failed CoCrMo implants: Ex vivo periprosthetic tissues study. J Biomed Mater Res. B 111, 271–283 (2023). DOI
  • Langmaier J., Skopalová J., Zajacová Cechová M., Kahánková T., Jerga R., Barták P., Samec Z., Navrátil T.: Ion transfer voltammetric and LC/MS investigations of the oxidative degradation process of fentanyl and some of its structural analogs. Electrochim. Acta 441, 141848 (2023). DOI
  • Petr J.: Determination of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors via Capillary Electrophoresis  with Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Online Stacking Preconcentration. Pharmaceuticals 16, 186 (2023). DOI
  • Luptáková D., Patil R.H., Dobiáš R., Stevens D.A., Pluháček T., Palyzová A., Káňová M.,  Navrátil M., Vrba Z., Hubáček P., Havlíček V.: Siderophore-Based Noninvasive Differentiation of Aspergillus fumigatus Colonization and Invasion in Pulmonary Aspergillosis. Microbiol. Spectr. 11(2), e 04068-22 (2023). DOI
  • Hassanpour S., Petr J.: A disposable electrochemical sensor based on single‑walled carbon nanotubes for the determination of anticancer drug dasatinib. Monatsh. Chem.  154, 1061–1069 (2023). DOI
  • Dobiáš R., Jahn P., Tóthová K., Dobešová O., Višňovská D., Patil R., Škríba A., Jaworská P., Škorič M., Podojil L., Kantorová M., Mrázek J., Krejčí E., Stevens D.A., Havlíček V.:  Diagnosis of Aspergillosis in Horses. J. Fungi 9(2),161 (2023). DOI
  • Buchtova T., Berešová L., Chromá K., Pluháček T., Bereš T., Kaczorová D., Tarkowski P., Bartek J., Mistrik M.: Cannabis-derived products antagonize platinum drugs by altered cellular transport. Biomed. Pharmacother. 163, 114801 (2023). DOI
  • Kováč A., Majerová P., Nytka M., Zajacová Cechová M., Bednář P., Hájek R., Cooper-Shepherd D.A., Muck A., Lemr K.: Separation of Isomeric Tau Phosphopeptides from Alzheimer’s Disease Brain by Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 34, 394−400 (2023). DOI
  • Masaryk L., Weiser Drozdková D., Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk P., Moncol’ J., Milde D., Křikavová R., Słoczyńska K., Pękala E., Ondrušková K., Nemec I., Smešný Trtková K., Štarha P.: Antimyeloma pro-apoptotic Pt(II) diiodido complexes. Inorg. Chem. Front. 10, 3307-3318 (2023). DOI
  • Nádvorníková J., Skopalová J., Krejčí P., Bednář P., Barták P.: GC–MS determination of 7-dehydrocholesterol and cholesterol in milk to verify eco-friendly conditions in cow housing. J.  Food Compos. Anal. 122, 105471 (2023). DOI
  • Golec M., Bartík J., Golec Mírová Z., Kučera L., Chrástek T., Kapusta J., Šamajová K.: Trade, use, offer. The hoard of Bánov – “Skalky” (CZ). J. Archaeol. Sci. Rep. 50, 104097 (2023). DOI
  • Polášek R., Konderlová K., Petr J.: Separation of tamsulosin enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis with tandem mass spectrometry and online stacking preconcentration. Anal. Methods 15, 3543 (2023). DOI
  • Lundová M., Šín L., Dehnerová H., Pechancová R., Kurka O., Bednář P., Kučera L.: Evaluation of chemical composition of cribra orbitalia from post-medieval children graves (Olomouc, Czech Republic). Praehist. Z. 98(1), 389–398 (2023). DOI
  • Juříková T., Mácha H., Lupjanová V., Pluháček T., Marešová H., Papoušková B., Luptáková D., Patil R.H., Benada O., Grulich M., Palyzová A.: The Deciphering of Growth-Dependent Strategies for Quorum-Sensing Networks in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microorganisms 11, 2329 (2023). DOI
  • Křikavová R., Romanovová M.,  Jendželovská Z., Majerník M., Masaryk L., Zoufalý P., Milde D., Moncol J., Herchel R., Jedželovský R. Nemec I.: Impact of central atom and halido ligand on structure, antiproliferative activity and selectivity of half-sandwich Ru(II) and Ir(III) complexes with a 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based ligand. Dalton Transactions 52, 12717-12732 (2023). DOI
  • Matvieiev O., Šelešovská R., Sokolová R., Jerga R., Skopalová J., Barták P., Chýlková J., Vojs M.: Voltammetric analysis of mephenoxalone drug in pharmaceutical and biological samples using novel screen-printed sensor with boron-doped diamond electrode. Sens.Actuators B. Chem. 397, 134700 (2023). DOI
  • Jílek J., Kaňáková L., Rybářová K., Nosek V., Zeman T., Krejčí P., Kmošek J., Kučera L.: First evidence of the production of Ginalski E5 button spurs from copper alloy in Central Europe. Archaeometry 65, 1032-1043 (2023). DOI
  • Jayakodi M., Golicz A.A., Kreplak J., Fechete L.I., Angra D., Bednář P., Bornhofen E., Zhang H., Boussageon R., Kaur S., Cheung K., Čížková J., Gundlach H., Hallab A., Imbert B.,  Keeble-Gagnère G., Koblížková A., Kobrlová L., Krejčí P., Mouritzen T.W., Neumann P., Nadzieja M., Kærgaard Nielsen L., Novák P., Orabi J., Padmarasu S., Robertson-Shersby-Harvie T., Robledillo L.Á., Schiemann A., Tanskanen J., Törönen P., Warsame A.O., Wittenberg A.H.J., Himmelbach A., Aubert G., Courty P., Doležel J., Holm L.U., Janss L.L., Khazaei H., Macas J., Mascher M.,  Smýkal P., Snowdon R.J., Stein N., Stoddard F.L., Stougaard J., Tayeh N., Torres A.M., Usadel B., Schubert I., O’Sullivan D.M., Schulman A.H., Andersen S.U.: The giant diploid faba genome unlocks variation in a global protein crop. Nature 615, 652–659 (2023). DOI
  • Fojtová M., Křístek J., Kučera L.: A pathological lesion or a postmortem artefact? An interdisciplinary approach to deal with an interesting early medieval case. Int. J. Paleopathol. 43, 93–98 (2023).DOI
  • Lapčíková B., Lapčík L., Barták P., Valenta T., Dokládalová K.: Effect of Extraction Methods on Aroma Profile, Antioxidant Activity and Sensory Acceptability of Specialty Coffee Brews. Foods 12, 4125 (2023).DOI
  • Wan J., Nytka M., Qian H., Lemr K., Tureček F.: Do d(GCGAAGC) Cations Retain the Hairpin Structure in the Gas Phase? A Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Density Functional Theory Computational Study. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 34, 2323−2340 (2023). DOI
  • Dobiáš R., Stevens D.A.,  Havlíček V.: Current and Future Pathways in Aspergillus Diagnosis. Antibiotics 12, 385 (2023). DOI
  • Patil R.H., Luptáková D., Havlíček V.: Infection metallomics for critical care in the post‐COVID era. Mass Spec. Rev. 42, 1221–1243 (2023). DOI
  • Ostruszka R., Půlpánová D., Pluháček T., Tomanec O., Novák P., Jirák D., Šišková K.: Facile One-Pot Green Synthesis of Magneto-Luminescent Bimetallic Nanocomposites with Potential as Dual Imaging Agent. Nanomaterials 13, 1027 (2023). DOI
  • Coulon R., Papoušková B., Mohammadi E., Otyepka M., Wunnava S., Šponer J., Šponerová J.E.: Prebiotic Synthesis of 3’,5’-Cyclic Adenosine and Guanosine Monophosphates through Carbodiimide-Assisted Cyclization. ChemBioChem 24, e202300510 (2023). DOI
  • Lněničková K., Vrba J., Kosina P., Papoušková B., Mekadim Ch., Mrázek J., Sova M., Sovová E., Valentová K., Křen V., Kouřilová P., Vrbková J., Ulrichová J.: Metabolic profiling of silymarin constituents in urine and feces of healthy volunteers: A 90-day study. J. Funct. Foods 100, 105391(2023). DOI
  • Havlásek J., Vrba J., Zatloukalová M., Papoušková B., Modrianský M., Storch J., Vacek J.: Hepatic biotransformation of non-psychotropic phytocannabinoids and activity screening on cytochromes P450 and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 476, 116654 (2023). DOI
  • Holcová Polanská H., Petrlaková K., Papoušková B., Hendrych M., Samadian A., Storch J., Babula P., Masarik M., Vacek J.: Safety assessment and redox status in rats after chronic exposure to cannabidiol and cannabigerol. Toxicology 488, 153460 (2023). DOI


  • Švecová P., Baron D., Schug K. A., Pluháček T., Petr J.: Ultra-trace determination of oxaliplatin impurities by sweeping-MEKC-ICP-MS. Microchem. J. 172, 106967 (2022). DOI
  • Golec M., Golec Mírová Z., Fojtík P., Kučera L., Šmíd M.: Banquet of elites: Hallstatt Period hoard with vessels and iron cauldron hanger of Kralice na Hané in Moravia (CZ). J.  Archaeol. Sci. Rep. 41, 103319 (2022). DOI
  • Choińska M.K., Šestáková I., Hrdlička V., Skopalová J., Langmaier J., Maier V., Navrátil T.: Electroanalysis of Fentanyl and Its New Analogs: A Review. Biosensors 12, 26 (2022). DOI
  • Milde D.: Metrologické aspekty v analytické chemii: stanovení kovů ve vodách. Chem. Listy 116, 4−10 (2022). DOI
  • Krejčí P., Zajacová Cechová M., Nádvorníková J., Barták P., Kobrlová L., Balarynová J., Smýkal P., Bednář P.: Combination of electronically driven micromanipulation with laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry – The unique tool for analysis of seed coat layers and revealing the mystery of seed dormancy. Talanta 242, 123303 (2022). DOI
  • Dutta T., Steklý T., Kučera L., Lemr K.: Dual-polarity MALDI mass spectrometry and imaging of oil binders and fatty acids in artworks using cyanographene as a single matrix. Talanta 242, 123291 (2022). DOI
  • Pauk V., Michalčáková J., Jagošová K., Lemr K.: Origin of indigo colorants revealed by ion mobility spectrometry coupled to mass spectrometry followed by supervised classification. Dyes Pigm. 197, 109943 (2022). DOI
  • Behyar M.B., Kholafazad-kordasht H., Hassanpour S., Hasanzadeh M.: An innovative electrically conductive biopolymer based on poly (β-cyclodextrin) towards recognition of ascorbic acid in real sample: Utilization of biocompatible advanced materials in biomedical analysis. J. Mol. Recognit. 35, e2953 (2022). DOI
  • Masaryk L., Zoufalý P., Słoczyńska  K., Zahradníková E., Milde D., Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk P., Štarha P.: New Pt(II) diiodido complexes containing bidentate 1,3,4-thiadiazole-based ligands: synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity. Inorganica Chim. Acta 536, 120891 (2022). DOI
  • Matvieiev O., Šelešovská R., Vojs M., Marton M., Michniak P., Hrdlička V., Hatala M., Janíková L., Chýlková J., Skopalová J., Cankař P., Navrátil T.: Novel Screen-Printed Sensor with Chemically Deposited Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode: Preparation,Characterization, and Application. Biosensors 12, 241 (2022). DOI
  • Benešová L., Klouda J., Bláhová E., Nesměrák K., Kočovský P., Nádvorníková J., Barták P., Skopalová J., Schwarzová-Pecková K.: Non-enzymatic electrochemical determination of cholesterol in dairy products on boron-doped diamond electrode. Food Chemistry 393, 133278 (2022). DOI
  • Balarynová J., Klčová B., Sekaninová J., Kobrlová L., Zajacová Cechová M., Krejčí P.,  Leonova T., Gorbach D., Ihling Ch., Smržová L., Trněný O., Frolov A., Bednář P.,  Smýkal P.: The loss of polyphenol oxidase function is associated with hilum pigmentation and has been selected during pea domestication. New Phytologist 235, 1807-1821 (2022). DOI
  • Masaryk L., Muthná D., Halaš P., Zoufalý P., Peterová E., Havelek R., Drahoš B., Milde D., Mrkvicová A., Štarha P.: Stability of a half-sandwich Os(II) complex with indomethacin-functionalized ligand in the presence of carboxypeptidase A. Dalton Trans. 51, 9213–9217 (2022). DOI
  • Schönwälderová N., Šlézar P., Kučera L:. Analysis of pigment residue on fragment of paint on medieval brich bark from Litovel. Studia Archaeologica Brunensia 27, 144-151 (2022). DOI
  • Masaryk L., Orvoš J., Słoczyńska K., Herchel R., Moncol J., Milde D., Halaš P., Křikavová R., Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk P., Pękala E., Fischer R., Šalitroš I., Nemec I. Štarha P.: Anticancer half-sandwich Ir(III) complex and its interaction with various biomolecules and their mixtures – a case study with ascorbic acid. Inorg. Chem. Front. 9, 3758 (2022). DOI
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  • Znaleziona J., Fejös I., Ševčík J., Douša M., Béni S., Maier V.: Enantiomeric separation of tapentadol by capillary electrophoresis-Study of chiral selectivity manipulation by various types of cyclodextrins. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 105, 10-16 (2015).
  • Riman D., Avgeropulos A., Hrbáč J., Prodromidis M.: Sparked-bismuth oxide screen-printed electrodes for the determination of riboflavin in the sub-nanomolar range in non-deoxygenated solutions. Electrochim. Acta 165, 410-415 (2015).
  • Hermannová M., Iordache A., Slováková K., Havlíček V., Pelantová H., Lemr K.: Arrival time distributions of product ions reveal isomeric ratio of deprotonated molecules in ion mobility-mass spectrometry of hyaluronan-derived oligosaccharides. J. Mass Spectrom. 50, 854-863 (2015).
  • Kuchař L., Faltýsková H., Krásný L., Dobrovolný R., Hulková H., Ledvinová J., Volný M., Strohalm M., Lemr K., Kryšpínová L., Asfaw B., Rybová J., Desnick R., Havlíček V.: Fabry disease: renal sphingolipid distribution in the alpha-Gal A knockout mouse model by mass spectrometric and immunohistochemical imaging. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 407, 2283-2291 (2015).
  • Krásný L., Benada O., Strnadová M., Lemr K., Havlíček V.: Lateral resolution in NALDI MSI: back to the future. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 407, 2141-2147 (2015).
  • Prešerová J., Ranc V., Milde D., Kubištová V., Stávek J.: Study of phenolic profile and antioxidant activity in selected Moravian wines during winemaking process by FT-IR spectroscopy. J. Food Sci. Technol. 52, 6405-6414 (2015).
  • Krásný L., Pompach P., Strnadová M., Hynek R., Vališ K., Havlíček V., Novák P., Volný M.: High-throughput workflow for identification of phosphorylated peptides by LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS coupled to in situ enrichment on MALDI plates functionalized by ion landing. J. Mass Spectrom. 50, 802-811 (2015).
  • Riman D., Jirovský D., Hrbáč J., Prodomidis M.: Green and facile electrode modification by spark discharge: Bismuth oxide-screen printed electrodes for the screening of ultra-trace Cd(II) and Pb(II). Electrochem. Commun. 50, 20-23 (2015).
  • Vrba J., Papoušková B., Pyszková M., Zatloukalová M., Lemr K., Ulrichová J., Vacek J.: Metabolism of palmatine by human hepatocytes and recombinant cytochromes P450. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 102, 193-198 (2015).
  • Roubalová L., Purchartová K., Papoušková B., Vacek J., Křen V., Ulrichová J., Vrba J.: Sulfation modulates the cell uptake, antiradical activity and biological effects of flavonoids in vitro: An examination of quercetin, isoquercitrin and taxifolin. Bioorgan. Med. Chem. 23, 5402?5409 (2015).
  • Dyčka F., Franc V., Fryčák P., Raus M., Řehulka P., Lenobel R., Allmaier G., Marchetti-deschmann M., Šebela M.: Evaluation of pseudotrypsin cleavage specificity towards proteins by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Protein Peptide Lett. 22, 1123-1132 (2015).
  • Zajíček P., Kolář M., Prucek R., Ranc V., Bednář P., Varma R., Sharma V., Zbořil R.: Oxidative degradation of triazine- and sulfonylurea-based herbicides using Fe(VI): The case study of atrazine and iodosulfuron with kinetics and degradation products. Sep. Purif. Technol. 156, 1041?1046 (2015).
  • Znaleziona J., Ginterová P., Petr J., Ondra P., Válka I., Ševčík J., Chrastina J., Maier V.: Determination and identification of synthetic cannabinoids and their metabolites in different matrices by modern analytical techniques - a review. Anal. Chim. Acta 874, 11-25 (2015).
  • Bednařík A., Čáp L., Maier V., Rulík M.: Contribution of Methane Benthic and Atmospheric Fluxes of an Experimental Area (Sitka Stream). CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water 43, 1136-1142 (2015).
  • Pol J., Faltýsková H., Krásný L., Volný M., Vláčil O., Hajdúch M., Lemr K., Havlíček V.: Age-related changes in the lateral lipid distribution in a human lens described by mass spectrometry imaging. Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 21, 297-303 (2015).
  • Myjavcová R., Bednář P., Srovnalová A., Dvořák Z., Papoušková B.: Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Study of Metabolism of 5-Methylpyranopelargonidin. Chromatographia 78, 189-201 (2015).
  • Novák J., Lemr K., Schug K., Havlíček V.: CycloBranch: De Novo Sequencing of Nonribosomal Peptides from Accurate Product Ion Mass Spectra. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 26, 1204-1212 (2015).
  • Knob R., Kulsing C., Boysen R., Macka M., Hearn M.: Surface-area expansion with monolithic open tubular columns. Trends Anal. Chem. 67, 16-25 (2015).
  • Marek A., Shaffer C., Pepin R., Slováková K., Laszlo K., Bush M., Tureček F.: Electron Transfer Reduction of the Diazirine Ring in Gas-Phase Peptide Ions. On the Peculiar Loss of [NH4O] from Photoleucine. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 26, 415-431 (2015).
  • Marhol P., Bednář P., Kolářová P., Večeřa R., Ulrichová J., Tesařová E., Vavříková E., Kuzma M., Křen V.: Pharmacokinetics of pure silybin diastereoisomers and identification of their metabolites in rat plasma. J. Funct. Foods 14, 570-580 (2015).
  • Shaffer C., Marek A., Pepin R., Slováková K., Turecek F.: Combining UV photodissociation with electron transfer for peptide structure analysis. J. Mass Spectrom. 50, 470-475 (2015).
  • Kočár P., Beneš J., Preusz M., Vaněček Z.: Ječmen a ječný slad ve středověku a raném novověku v českých zemích. Kvasný průmysl 61, 153-158 (2015).
  • Riman D., Bartošová Z., Halouzka V., Vacek J., Jirovský D., Hrbáč J.: Facile preparation of nanostructured copper-coated carbon microelectrodes for amperometric sensing of carbohydrates. RSC Advances 5, 31245-31249 (2015).
  • Pauk V., Žihlová V., Borovcová L., Havlíček V., Schug K., Lemr K.: Fast separation of selected cathinones and phenylethylamines by supercritical fluid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 1423, 169-176 (2015).
  • Pelantová H., Bugáňová M., Anýž J., Železná B., Maletínská L., Novák D., Haluzík M., Kuzma M.: Strategy for NMR metabolomic analysis of urine in mouse models of obesity- from sample collection to interpretation of acquired data. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 115, 225-235 (2015).


  • Maier V., Kalíková K., Přibylka A., Vozka J., Smuts J., Švidrnoch M., Ševčík J., Armstrong D., Tesařová E.: Isopropyl derivative of cyclofructan 6 as chiral selector in liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A 1338, 197-200 (2014).
  • Volný M., Rolfs J., Hakimi B., Fryčák P., Schneider T., Liu D., Yen G., Chiu D., Tureček F.: Nanoliter Segmented-Flow Sampling Mass Spectrometry with Online Compartmentalization. Anal. Chem. 86, 3647-3652 (2014).
  • Papoušek R., Pataj Z., Nováková P., Lemr K., Barták P.: Determination of Acrylamide and Acrolein in Smoke from Tobacco and E-Cigarettes. Chromatographia 77, 1145-1151 (2014).
  • Pauk V., Barták P., Lemr K.: Characterization of natural organic colorants in historical and art objects by high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 37, 3393-3410 (2014).
  • Kondeková M., Maier V., Ginterová P., Marák J., Ševčík J.: Analysis of lysozyme in cheese samples by on-line combination of capillary zone electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Food Chem. 153, 398-404 (2014).
  • Horská J., Ginterová P., Ševčík J., Petr J.: CZE Separation of New Drugs for Treatment of Leukemia. Chromatographia 77, 1477-1482 (2014).
  • Ginterová P., Sokolová B., Ondra P., Znaleziona J., Petr J., Ševčík J., Maier V.: Determination of mushroom toxins ibotenic acid, muscimol and muscarine by capillary electrophoresis coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta 125, 242-247 (2014).
  • Jarošová M., Milde D., Kuba M.: Elemental Analysis of Coffee: a Comparison of ICP-MS and AAS Methods. Czech J. Food Sci. 32, 354-359 (2014).
  • Veverková L., Hradilová S., Milde D., Panáček A., Skopalová J., Kvítek L., Petrželová K., Zbořil R.: Accurate determination of silver nanoparticles in animal tissues by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochim. Acta B 102, 7-11 (2014).
  • Hartmanová L., Fryčák P., Soural M., Tureček F., Havlíček V., Lemr K.: Ion internal energy, salt tolerance and a new technical improvement of desorption nanoelectrospray. J. Mass Spectrom. 49, 750-754 (2014).
  • Tomková H., Součková J., Pyszková M., Svítková J., Labuda J., Skopalová J., Barták P.: Phospholipids improve selectivity and sensitivity of carbon electrodes: Determination of pesticide Paraquat. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Tech. 116, 1247-1255 (2014).
  • Bartošová Z., Jirovský D., Riman D., Halouzka V., Švidrnoch M., Hrbáč J.: HPLC-ED of low-molecular weight brominated phenols and tetrabromobisphenol A using pretreated carbon fiber microelectrode. Talanta 122, 115-121 (2014).
  • Kulsing C., Knob R., Macka M., Junor P., Bysen R., Hearn M.: Molecular imprinted polymeric porous layers in open tubular capillaries for chiral separations. J. Chromatogr. A 1354, 85-91 (2014).
  • Švidrnoch M., Lněničková L., Válka I., Ondra P., Maier V.: Utilization of micellar electrokinetic chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry employed volatile micellar phase in the analysis of cathihone designer drugs. J. Chromatogr. A 1356, 258-265 (2014).
  • Ianni F., Pataj Z., Gross H., Sardella R., Natalini B., Lindner W., Lämmerhofer M.: Direct enantioseparation of underivatized aliphatic 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids with a quinine-based zwitterionic chiral stationary phase. J. Chromatogr. A 1363, 101-108 (2014).
  • Kučera L., Bednář P.: Biogas system and possibilities of control and use of digestate in Czech Republic: A Review. Waste Forum 2014, 123-136 (2014).
  • Kurka O., Roithová J., Bednář P.: Examination of small molecule losses in 5-methylpyranopelargonidin MS/MS CID spectra by DFT calculations. J. Mass Spectrom. 49, 1314-1321 (2014).
  • Petr J.: Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis. Chromatographia 77, 1413-1414 (2014).
  • Cacho C., Medříková Z., Ševčík J., Zbořil R., Petr J.: Study of behavior of carboxylic magnetite core shell nanoparticles on a pH boundary. J. Chromatogr. A 1364, 59-63 (2014).
  • Papoušková B., Fan H., Lemr K., Schug K.: Aspects of trapping efficiency and matrix effects in the development of a restricted-access-media-based trap-and-elute liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry method. J. Sep. Sci. 37, 2192-2199 (2014).
  • Fan H., Papoušková B., Lemr K., Wigginton J., Schug K.: Bulk derivatization and direct injection of human cerebrospinal fluid for trace-level quantification of endogenous estrogens using trap-and-elute liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. J. Sep. Sci. 37, 2010-2017 (2014).
  • Douša M., Srbek J., Stránský Z., Gibala P., Nováková L.: Retention behavior of a homologous series and positional isomers of aliphatic amino acids in hydrophilic interaction chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 37, 739-747 (2014).


  • Knob R., Petr J., Ševčík J., Maier V.: Enantioseparation of tartaric acid by ligand-exchange capillary electrophoresis using contactless conductivity detection. J. Sep. Sci. 36, 3426-3431 (2013).
  • Lehnert P., Douša M., Lemr K.: Underivatized amylose and cellulose as new stationary phases for hydrophilic interaction chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 36, 3345-3350 (2013).
  • Pauk V., Havlíček V., Papoušková B., Sulovský P., Lemr K.: Simultaneous identification of historical pigments Prussian blue and indigo in paintings by electrospray mass spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom. 48, 927-930 (2013).
  • Kučerová P., Skopalová J., Cankař P., Papoušková B., Straková R., Jirovský D., Maier V.: Electrochemical Oxidation of Tolterodine. Electroanalysis 25, 205-212 (2013).
  • Petr J., Ginterová P., Znaleziona J., Knob R., Lošťáková M., Maier V., Ševčík J.: Separation of ketoprofen enantiomers at nanomolar concentration levels by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with on-line electrokinetic preconcentration. Cent. Eur. J. Chem. 11, 335-340 (2013).
  • Gargano A., Kohout M., Kučerová P., Laemmerhofer M., Lindner W.: Direct high-performance liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of free alpha-, beta- and gamma-aminophosphonic acids employing cinchona-based chiral zwitterionic ion exchangers. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405, 8027-8038 (2013).
  • Pachlová V., Buňka F., Chromečková M., Buňková L., Barták P., Pospíšil P.: The development of free amino acids and volatile compounds in cheese Oloumoucke tvaruzky (PGI) during ripening. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 48, 1868-1876 (2013).
  • Škríba A., Staňková S., Váňa J., Barták P., Bednář P., Fryčák P., Kučera L., Kurka O., Lemr K., Kučerová P., Marková E., Nováková P., Papoušková B., Skopalová J., Tomková H., Roithová J.: Protonation sites and fragmentations of para-aminophenol. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 337, 18-23 (2013).
  • Marhol P., Bednář P., Tománková E., Papoušková B., Stávek J., Hic P., Barták P., Křen V., Balík J.: Preparative Purification and Isolation of Pyranoanthocyanins from Red Wine and Evaluation of Their Antioxidant Activity. Chromatographia 76, 1107-1115 (2013).
  • Halouzka V., Hrbáč J., Jirovský D., Riman D., Jakubec P., Bartošová Z., Mašek V., Mojzes P., Vacek J.: Electrochemical Pretreatment of Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes Based on Sinusoidal-wave Potential Cycling and its Application to Amperometric Sensing of Bioactive Compounds. Current Analytical Chemistry 9, 305-311 (2013).
  • Vacek J., Papoušková B., Kosina P., Galandáková A., Ulrichová J.: Mass spectrometric investigation of chelerythrine and dihydrochelerythrine biotransformation patterns in human hepatocytes. J. Chromatogr. B 941, 17-24 (2013).
  • Knob R., Křenková J., Petr J., Foret F.: Porous layer open tubular columns with immobilized trypsin for protein digestion. Chem. Listy 107, s382-s384 (2013).
  • Havlíček V., Lemr K., Schug K.: Current Trends in Microbial Diagnostics Based on Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 85, 790-797 (2013).
  • Li L., Yang S., Lemr K., Havlíček V., Schug K.: Continuous flow-extractive desorption electrospray ionization: Analysis from. Anal. Chim. Acta 769, 84-90 (2013).
  • Milko P., Roithová J., Schug K., Lemr K.: Impact of long-range van der Waals forces on chiral recognition in a Cinchona alkaloid chiral selector system. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 6113-6121 (2013).
  • Kubienová L., Kopečný D., Kopečná M., Briozzo P., Skopalová J., Šebela M., Navrátil M., Tache R., Luhová L., Barroso J., Petřivalský M.: Strukturní a funkční charakterizace rostlinné S-nitroglutathionreduktasy ze Solanum lycopersicum. Biochimie 95, 889-902 (2013).
  • Vacek J., Papoušková B., Vrba J., Zatloukalová M., Křen V., Ulrichová J.: LC/MS metabolic study on quercetin and taxifolin galloyl esters using human hepatocytes as toxicity and biotransformation in vitro cell model. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 86, 135-142 (2013).
  • Svobodová P., Vojtková D., Suchomelová A., Vlčková D., Petrová Z., Knob R., Petr J.: Low-cost paper-based device for semi-quantitative ecotoxicological analysis in terrain. Chem. Listy 107, s456-s457 (2013).
  • Horská J., Ginterová P., Ševčík J., Petr J.: A pilot study on separation of new drugs for treatment of leukemia by capillary zone electrophoresis. Chem. Listy 107, s373-s375 (2013).
  • Papoušek R., Nováková P., Marková E., Barták P.: Analýza akrylamidu metodou GC-MS. Chem. Listy 107, 255-260 (2013).
  • Knob R., Breadmore M., Guijt R., Petr J., Macka M.: Porous layer open tubular monolith capillary column: switching-off the reaction kinetics as the governing factor in their preparation by using an immiscible liquid-controlled polymerization. RSC Advances 3, 24927-24930 (2013).
  • Součková J., Skopalová J., Tomková H., Barták P.: Fused-Silica Capillary Dropping Mercury Electrode for Electrocapillary Measurements. Electroanalysis 25, 174-178 (2013).
  • Lehnert P., Přibylka A., Maier V., Znaleziona J., Ševčík J., Douša M.: Enantiomeric separation of R,S-tolterodine and R,S-methoxytolterodine with negatively charged cyclodextrins by capillary electrophoresis. J. Sep. Sci. 36, 1561-1567 (2013).
  • Přibylka A., Almeida A., Altmeyer M., Petr J., Ševčík J., Manz A., Neužil P.: Fast spore breaking by superheating. Lab on a chip 13, 1695-1698 (2013).
  • Smuts J., Na Y., Vallakati R., Přibylka A., May J., Armstrong D.: Enantioseparation of flinderoles and borreverines by HPLC on Chirobiotic V and V2 stationary phases and by CE using cyclodextrin selectors. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405, 9169-9177 (2013).


  • Macíková P., Halouzka V., Hrbáč J., Barták P., Skopalová J.: Electrochemical Behavior and Determination of Rutin on Modified Carbon Paste Electrodes. The Scientific World Journal 2012, 1-9 (2012).
  • Zimpl M., Skopalová J., Jirovský D., Barták P., Navrátil T., Sedoníková J., Kotouček M.: Electrochemical Behavior of Quinoxalin-2-one Derivatives at Mercury Electrodes and Its Analytical Use. The Scientific World Journal 2012, 1-12 (2012).
  • Švecová H., Součková J., Skopalová J., Novotný R., Barták P.: Studium agregace fosfolipidových molekul. Chem. Listy 106, 200-205 (2012).
  • Marková E., Smyslová P., Macíková P., Skopalová J., Barták P.: Studium anodické oxidace 2,4,6-tribromfenolu. Chem. Listy 106, 195-199 (2012).
  • Štěpánková K., Šimáková A., Milde D.: Speciace anorganického arsenu v matrici živočišného původu metodami SPE-HG-AAS a HPLC-ICP-MS. Chem. Listy 106, 1061-1066 (2012).
  • Milde D.: Vyhodnocování nejistoty měření - od vydání pokynu pro vyjadřování nejistoty měření (GUM:1995) po současnost. Chem. Listy 106, s219-s221 (2012).
  • Skopalová J., Vacek J., Papoušková B., Jirovský D., Maier V., Ranc V.: Electrochemical oxidation of berberine and mass spectrometric identification of its oxidation products. Bioelectrochemistry 87, 15-20 (2012).
  • Ginterová P., Marák J., Staňová A., Maier V., Ševčík J., Kanianský D.: Determination of selected biogenic amines in red wines by automated on-line combination of capillary isotachophoresis-capillary zone electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. B: Anal. Tech. Biomed. Life Sci. 904, 135-139 (2012).
  • Maier V., Ranc V., Švidrnoch M., Petr J., Ševčík J., Tesařová E., Armstrong D.: Study on the use of boromycin as a chiral selector in capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A: Symp. Vol. 1237, 128-132 (2012).
  • Huličiak M., Vacek J., Šebela M., Orolinová E., Znaleziona J., Havlíková M., Kubala M.: Kovalentní vazba cisplatiny inhibuje funkci Na+/K+-ATPasy vazbou na její cytoplazmatickou část. Biochem. Pharmacol. 83, 1507-1513 (2012).
  • Plzák Z., Milde D.: Názvosloví v oblasti metrologie a zabezpečování kvality. Chem. Listy 106, 41-44 (2012).
  • Ondra P., Válka I., Papoušková B., Maier V.: Intoxikace látkami typu "designer drugs". Intoxikace látkami typu "designer drugs" 2, 111-118 (2012).
  • Vacek J., Papoušková B., Kosina P., Vrba J., Křen V., Ulrichová J.: Biotransformation of flavonols and taxifolin in hepatocyte in vitro systems as determined by liquid chromatography with various stationary phases and electrospray ionization-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B 899, 109-115 (2012).
  • Vrba J., Křen V., Vacek J., Papoušková B., Ulrichová J.: Quercetin, Quercetin Glycosides and Taxifolin Differ in their Ability to Induce AhR Activation and CYP1A1 Expression in HepG2 Cells. Phytother. Res. 26, 1746-1752 (2012).
  • Hruzíková J., Milde D., Krajancová P., Ranc V.: Discrimination of Cheese Products for Authenticity Control by Infrared Spectroscopy. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 1845-1849 (2012).
  • Ranc V., Hruzíková J., Maitner K., Prucek R., Milde D., Kvítek L.: Quantification of purine basis in their mixtures at femto-molar concentration levels using FT-SERS. J. Raman Spectrosc. 43, 971-976 (2012).
  • Béres T., Gemrotová M., Tarkowski P., Ganzera M., Maier V., Friedecký D., Dessoy M., Wessjohann L., Spíchal L., Strnad M., Doležal K.: Analysis of cytokinin nucleotides by capillary zone electrophoresis with diode array and mass spectrometric detection in a recombinant enzyme in vitro reaction. Anal. Chim. Acta 751, 176-181 (2012).
  • Stávek J., Papoušková B., Balík J., Bednář P.: Effect of storage conditions on various parameters of colour and the anthocyanin profile of rose wines. Int. J. Food Prop. 15, 1133-1147 (2012).
  • Svobodová P., Vítková K., Procházka V., Petr J.: Analýza buněk kapilární elektroforézou. Chem. Listy 106, 681-684 (2012).
  • Petr J., Maier V.: Analysis of microorganisms by capillary electrophoresis. Trac-Trends Anal. Chem. 31, 9-22 (2012).
  • Marková Z., Bourlinos A., Šafářová K., Poláková K., Tuček J., Medřík I., Šišková K., Petr J., Krysmann M., Giannelis E., Zbořil R.: Synthesis and properties of core-shell fluorescent hybrids with distinct morphologies based on carbon dots. J. Mater. Chem. 22, 16219-16223 (2012).
  • Bourlinos A., Zbořil R., Petr J., bakandritsos A., krysmann M., giannelis E.: Luminescent Surface Quaternized Carbon Dots. Chem. Mater. 24, 6?8 (2012).
  • Štěpánková K., Šimáková A., Milde D.: Methods of speciation analysis of arsenic in food and nutritional supplements by liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. Rer. Nat., Chemica 52, 1-22 (2012).
  • Buriánková I., Brablcová L., Mach V., Hýblová A., Badurová P., Cupalová J., Čáp L., Rulík M.: Methanogens and methanotrophs distribution in the hyporheic sediments of a small lowland stream. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 2012, 87-102 (2012).
  • Bartošová Z., Riman D., Jakubec P., Halouzka V., Hrbáč J., Jirovský D.: Elektrochemicky upravená uhlíková mikrovlákna jako citlivé HPLC detektory. The Scientific World Journal 2012, 1-6 (2012).
  • Ondra P., Válka I., Papoušková B., Maier V.: Intoxikace látkami typu. Folia Slovacae 2, 111-118 (2012).
  • Veverka L., Jelínková M., Hron K., Balík J., Stávek J., Barták P.: Chemical Markers in the Aroma Profiles of South Moravian Red Wine Distillates. Czech J. Food Sci. 30, 369-376 (2012).
  • Knob R., Maier V., Petr J., Ranc V., Ševčík J.: On-line preconcentration of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 33, 2159-2166 (2012).
  • Heckenbergerová J., Marek J., Součková J., Tuček P.: Nonsmooth Function Approximation in Practical Change Point Problem. J. Appl. Math. 5, 249-258 (2012).
  • Uřinovská R., Brozmanová H., Šištík P., Šilhán P., Kacířová I., Lemr K., Grundmann M.: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of five antidepressants and four atypical antipsychotics and their main metabolites in human serum. J. Chromatogr. B: Anal. Tech. Biomed. Life Sci. 907, 101-107 (2012).
  • Fryčák P., Jirkovský J., Ranc V., Bednář P., Havlíček V., Lemr K.: Secondary processes in atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry: a case study of orotic acid. J. Mass Spectrom. 47, 720-726 (2012).
  • Ranc V., Petruziello F., Kretz R., Argandona E., Zhang X., Rainer G.: Broad characterization of endogenous peptides in the tree shrew visual system. J. Proteomics 75, 2526-2535 (2012).


  • Reischl R., Hartmanová L., Carrozzo M., Huszar M., Fruehauf P., Lindner W.: Chemoselective and enantioselective analysis of proteinogenic amino acids utilizing N-derivatization and 1-D enantioselective anion-exchange chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectrometric detection. J Chromatogr A 1218, 8379-8387 (2011).
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